Sunday, January 26, 2020

Organisational Culture and Values at Nokia

Organisational Culture and Values at Nokia Organisation culture Nokia is the leading mobile company all over the world which started their operation in the early 1980s. The values of Nokia are customer satisfaction, respect for individuals, achievement and continuous learning. Customer satisfaction means how satisfaction is the customer with the effort of organisation in the marketplace. Nokia has their dedicated sales and marketing personnels with logistic and sourcing functions. Keeping in mind that, what will best suit the customers and what are their needs, Nokia randomly responding to the customers and making things according to their customers choice. Respect for individuals means to give attention to each and every individual for their opinion. Nokia gives opportunities for personal growth. Nokia encourage new strategy to change the global market. They also emphasise on constant attention to the objectives. Continuous learning means Nokia always encourage improving the perfections. Nokia encourage developing mobile with affordable cost and also which can help increasing economic growth along with quality of life. Nokia support constant innovation on human technology to improve communication and finding the new ways of interchanging information. Nokia provides opportunity to grow personally, give confidence to come with new ideas and creation, motivates high quality people to serve the best customer service. Organisational and national culture National culture related to our values held in our deep such as good vs. evil, normal vs. abnormal, rational vs. irrational and safe v. dangerous. National culture learned very early stage of life and held deep insight every human being and changed very slowly over the period of time. On the other hand, organisational culture is brought from the practical experiences from the organisation and learned from the organisational job. To change organisational culture is difficult and it takes time. It is very difficult to coup up when two or three organisations merge or shift to each other then the employees of the organisation faces the difficulties to follow the culture. Sometimes it clashes to national culture. People in an organisation can adopt organisational culture over his national cultural values but when two or three organisation merge then it becomes difficult for the employees to adopt organisational culture over their deep values of national culture. Organisational culture sometimes become inappropriate to national culture and national culture sometimes get inappropriate to organisational culture. But organisational culture never trumps national culture. There are some basic differences between organisational culture and national culture. These are: leadership style, organisational policies and procedures, organisational and operational structure, recruitment and selection procedures and measuring the performance of the employees and reward systems, global team and leadership development. Corporate culture profile Corporate culture is one of the strategic and competitive advantages of Nokia. Connecting people is the catch phrase which means the physical facilities of the company. Nokia buildings hold the strong corporate image. Nokia has four main values and principles at his heart of its corporate philosophy: customer satisfaction, respect for individuals, achievement and continuous learning. Establishing Goals It was the challenge for Nokia to develop a unique, award-wining workplace which reflects the corporate culture, values and vision of the company. Nokia house Boston property has the major RD facilities and it was important to open the new floor plan and give the credit to the engineer and creative group for their creative design. However the design of the Scandinavian headquarters was not totally mimic but include New Englands culture as well. A Corporate Culture Retrofit Nokia not only holds the Scandinavian culture itself rather than transport it to the England for both the employees and visitors. There are high-tech and traditional furniture showcase along with brilliant lighting design particularly in the lobby area, cafeteria and meeting rooms helps creating a warm and professional atmosphere. Another important design characteristics is its new office space system and flexible desks. Connecting People After coming to new Nokia house in spring 2000, the company provides full friendly sense of place and purpose for the customers. The set up and cultural elements of the building gives the employees confidence and comfortable settings. Nokia provides more productive and interactive workforce after implementing the goals and culture to its actual design. After managing all the facilities the employees are more connected to the customers indirectly. As more companies want to redesign their head office to highlight their corporate culture such as the lobby, the real estate professionals must need to ensure that the changes will made in a healthy and profitable business relationship matter. The impact of corporate culture According to the researcher a healthy organisational culture may have various kinds of benefits which include: competitive advantage deduce from customer service and innovation, constant and efficient performance of the employees, great team facilities, high valued employee, and strong company association, employees with high motivation and loyalty, control and coordination within the company and also promoting consistency, rearranging the behaviour of the employees to the benefit of the company.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Principles of Economics Essay

Lets first start with a question that although is trivial, but will help us understand the answer to this question, a little better. What is economic growth? Economic growth is the increase in the inflow of money within the economy. In other words, it is also the increase in the government’s holding of money. Now, there are a lot of ways an economy can be boosted in order to make the country more efficient. Some people mistake the growth and the stimulation of the economy as the increase in taxes. It is not incorrect to say that the increase in the government’s revenue is highly based on the increase in the tax rate through out the country. This increase in the tax rate is not only on the products of the government-based organizations or factories, but even the private investors and the citizen-owned company’s products have to undergo the same tax rate. This increase in tax-rate, no doubt increases the government tax revenue, making them more capable of spending and investing more on the country’s infrastructure and to work on the areas that might boost the economy. But there is something very important that happens while they are at the point of increasing the tax rates. They overlook the fact that the increase in the tax rate reduces the consumer investments. This reduction in the consumer investments decreases the demand of the products. By this I mean that their purchasing power is decreased, not directly, that is their salary is not decreased, but the prices are increased due to the increase in the tax rates. This reduction in the consumer demand then allows the economic growth to go in the negative direction. This is just one approach that most people have about the economy. Some people mistake the economic growth’s key factor to be consumption. Well, they are highly incorrect. The economic growth of any country is not dependent upon how many products and goods have been consumed in the market. But, instead it is dependent on the production of those goods and services. It is the production that helps the economic growth. The manufacturing of the cars on the streets is not something made by nature and given to us to use. Instead it is the workings of both, the businesses and the individuals that is the production and then the consumption of the manufactured cars to make the transportation system of the country more efficient. Hence, by this we can conclude that, the economic growth of a country is not the consumption, but the result of the production that increases the consumption of the goods in the economy, thereby increasing the demand of the products and hence, boosting the economy. This misperception that has been described above is what is wrong in the economy. The Bush administration focuses more on the consumption landing it in spending deficit of over $ 100 billion. Although this can be looked over from a different perspective, for example, we talk about an unemployed man who spends and buys his household necessities by using credit cards. This does not allow the spending to increase, because the consumers are using their credit cards and not a liquid asset (money). The Bush administration as mentioned above focuses more on the consumption and not the spending, this in turn reduces the budget that is allocated for the production, if the government is interested more in how much is consumed in the market. Although this is the wrong approach, but is still being followed in the country. The production has been slowed and so has the consumption in the economy. Until and unless there is not enough production, there is no way that the consumption can increase. Sacks, 2001) Well, just like any other problem, there is a solution to this problem too. The government does not restrict the production directly by stopping the factories to produce more, instead, the raise in the taxes increases the prices of the raw materials, hence increases the prices of the raw materials, increases the prices of the goods. The then increased pric es of the goods reduces the purchasing power of the consumers, thereby reducing consumption. The increase in taxes is one way of how the production is reduced. The government needs to decrease the number of restrictions on the private / public owned organizations and liberate them. (Giplin, 1987) The private sectors not only have to go through these restrictions what to produce when, but they also have a lot of trade restrictions. For example, if a computer Software Company in a state in USA wants Indian programmers to help them out to design new software, they can not get them. The law restricts them to get people from abroad to help them out. The above mentioned are just few problems and misperceptions of the people of as to what really is economic growth. Also mentioned above are the things that hinder economic growth. Now, we will be talking about how the economy can be boosted. Following are just few ways of what the government can do to stimulate the economy. We will then be discussing what the individuals can do as citizens to help in the growth of the economy. There are a lot of things that the government can do to make the economic growth faster. But in every idea that will be laid down, we have to keep in mind that this is not a perfect world and we can not expect everything to work out in reality, the way we want it to. There is always a room for improvement. One of the options to boost the economy is to create more jobs. More people being employed would mean more production and more production allows the consumption to increase and ultimately the demand for consumer goods would also increase. The aggregate demand for goods when increased boosts the economy. It is an entire circle that goes clockwise that is boost the economy when there are more people hired and under stimulate it when there is a high unemployment rate in the country. This option can also be looked from a different perspective. A high unemployment rate of the country would mean that there are more people fired from work. This means that the people who are employed will only be the ones with good salary. This in turn means that they will be the only ones in the economy who can buy goods because their purchasing power is not affected. Now, because not a lot of people are employed, the rate at which the products were being consumed before the raise in the rate of unemployment would fall. This decrease in the rate of consumption allows the companies fire more workers in order to increase their revenues, that is, if the consumption is low, their revenues will be low and they would have to fire more people so that they do not end up in losses. Hence, the unemployment rate would be even higher. (Giplin, 1987) Hence if the government starts to spend more on the various projects and infrastructure, that is focus more on the production and not just the spending, then this would definitely allow more people to be hired and thereby reducing the rate of unemployment. These artificially produced jobs do not directly increase the consumption of the goods but increase the level of employment in the country, increases the purchasing power of the employees and make them more efficient to buy various goods and services. There is one more thing that can be done to boost the economy of the country. That is through reduction in the tax rates. This reduction in the taxes allows the increase of the purchasing power of the individuals allowing them to buy more. This increase in the consumption of the goods then helps the aggregate demand curve shift to the right that is increasing the demand of the goods and services. Let’s take an example. If the tax charges for a particular product is 80 cents and before the increase in the tax rate was 50 cents, then I am more likely to buy more of that product when the tax rate was 50 cents. This increase in the consumption would then increase the demand. Hence, boost the economy. The tax revenue which adds to the revenues of the government might not be really high if the tax rates are high, as much as if it were low. By this I mean that, when the tax rates are high, people tend to buy less of the products. This increase in the tax rate although allows a high revenue for the government, but that is the narrow outlook of this perspective. Because, if the taxes are high, the purchasing power of the people decreases and instead of maybe 5 pieces of the same product that they used to buy with lesser tax rate, they may now buy just one piece of the same product. Hence the increase in taxes might not increase the revenue as much as the decrease in the taxes would. (Sacks, 2001) While the economists are dealing with the country’s economy, as in how is the economy to be improved, there are a lot of things that they have to consider. It is not just the tax rate or just the employment rate that is to be considered. Hence, it is important to know the problem, the solution to the problem and the most important thing is the timing. When the decision that has been made is implemented is very important. Hence, by the time the decision has been made and the economists are ready to implement the new policy, the economic conditions by then would have changed dramatically. It is good to leave the economy the way it is, at times. Before we make matters even worse, we should take a break, leave the economic activities of the country alone for a while and let them be just the way they are. There is a growing inflation in the economy, and not a lot is being done to decrease the rate of inflation. The upper class people are not the ones that suffer and undergo spending money from mortgage. It is the middle class and the lower class people who have to go through all the agony to have means to earn more in order to cover up the loans they have been borrowing. Now, in this very scenario, there are two things that are to be considered. One is the interest rate and the other is the inflow of money in the wrong hands. (Richards, 2007) The inflow of money in the wrong hands means that, the rich keep on getting richer, and the poor get poorer. The rich already have jobs which allow them to own multi million dollar buildings, private jets, an 1890 model cars and a lot more. And with their current employment, they do not spend that money, it goes in their bank accounts not in their pockets to spend. The government should be more careful in where their money goes. Because if the upper class gets it, it is highly certain that they will not be spending it, rather saving it. This entire problem of not spending will decrease the consumption of goods that are being produced. Where as, if the money that goes in the hands of the middle and the lower class people will be spent as soon as they get it. This is because they are the ones who are suffering from the increase in inflation. They are the ones who are not able to pay the bills, their children’s school fee, transportation expenses etc. Hence money in their hands would be spent pretty quickly. (Cohn, 2007) Every time the economy slows down the middle class and the lower class people are the ones that are affected by it. The reduction in the economic growth of the country is usually followed by a rise in the unemployment rate. The middle class workers are the ones that are fired first and they are rehired after everyone else has been hired. And they are the ones that mostly undergo all the problems faced by people in the time of poverty. (Levine, 1982) The second problem is of the interest rates. The government has to lower the interest rates so that the individuals are more capable of investing and consuming more. With higher interest rates in the market the people can not invest in the infrastructure, the increase in the interest rates contributes to the increase in the prices of the infrastructure that is for sale. The decrease in the investment by the individuals would in turn reduce the demand for the available land and the buildings etc. (Richards, 2007) Apart from all this, it is highly important for the government to reduce the costs of housing in the country. If the costs are reduced, they will be better off and will be able to afford things that they could not earlier. Not only this, but the government should spend more on infrastructure and build more houses. This would create more jobs and would allow people to buy more affordable houses. Earlier, we discussed the rising rate of inflation and how it affects the lower and the middle class workers. There is one more thing that the government needs to work on considering the ever-growing inflation rate of the country. The minimum wage rate of the people through out the country should be increased. This was the plan of the Bush administration before the attack of the September 9, 2000. It was to be implemented, but then the attack on the world trade centre took place and the economic growth was decreased dramatically. Hence, the increase in the minimum wage rate never took place. This increase in the wages will ultimately allow people to buy more by having their purchasing power increased. (Levine, 1982) One of the key factors that help stimulate the economy is a highly educated workforce. This workforce will help boost the economy in several ways. The wages of the people will be higher once they are highly educated and this will in turn help the economy to stimulate itself. Apart from this, the government should invest more in the capital in the country. This will allow the government to employ more workers and will ultimately increase the demand for various consumer goods, thereby stimulating the economy. It is very important for a country to have a proper and a strong infrastructure; this certainly helps the government to boost the economy. This strong infrastructure can not be obtained in a day’s work; it takes a lot of years to reach a position where the economy is strong enough to withstand the problems that the government faces during recession if there is any in the future. The individuals can and will do what ever they can in order to make their country better off but the country is nothing without proper law enforcement forces that will make sure that they are on the right track. Not only that, but the government will have to make sure that the promised contracts by the individuals are being materialized. The government should offer people different saving accounts which will push the people to save more. This will help them learn the importance of saving. A lot of people in the country are known for living large. This term is used for them only because they spend their salaries as soon as they get them. Now, this expenditure of their salaries that they do as soon as it enters their bank accounts is not a think that they should be proud of. But if the government advertise their saving accounts more then there is a high possibility that the people will save and put their money in those bank accounts. The reason this is emphasized is that if the people are unemployed, they would not have to borrow a lot and then be in debt for years, with the debt’s interest increasing every year. Well, first of all the government will be sure of the fact that not a lot of money will be on loaned if there is a high unemployment rate, and even if it is, they will be sure that the money is returned, because not a lot of it would have been borrowed in the first place. The people will take out money first from their saving’s account. With an appropriate interest return rate of the saving’s accounts it will be even easier for the people to save a little every month without second guessing themselves that the money they are investing will not be in vain, and will help them in the future. It is very important for the government to allow an open market economy. This open market economy would then allow trade of goods and services from around the globe without any hindrances. Likewise it would not only boost the morale of the employees to work harder to produce more goods and services but also provide them with higher wages. This higher wage will be a result of the increase in trade which indirectly means increase in consumption of the goods and services. This increase in consumption will allow the aggregate demand curve to shift to the right that is, the demand for the consumer goods will increase. (Sacks, 2001) There is one more thing which is very important for a country to boost its economy, to make the most of what it has and to be efficient. Timing is the most important factor of all. To produce the right amount of goods at the appropriate time is highly essential. This efficiency can be obtained with the increase in the technological advancements taking place in the country. The technological advancements of the country would not only make the production of goods time-efficient, but the production of the goods itself will be cost effective. The term cost effective means that the products are produced with the minimum cost of the raw materials, allowing a high profit margin. This high profit margin helps various organizations to produce more, hence hire more workers, and pays them more if the sales are high. All this plays a huge role in boosting the economy. (Giplin, 1987)

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Racism Racism And Racism - 996 Words

Covert Racism Introduction Racism; ‘the belief that races have distinctive cultural characteristics determined by hereditary factors and that this endows some races with an intrinsic superiority over others’ (Collins English Dictionary 2012) and thus leading to ‘abusive or aggressive behaviour towards members of another race on the basis of such a belief’ (Collins English Dictionary 2012). Over time, racism has transformed from a blatant and overt form into a passive style of prejudice and discrimination. Nowadays, it is often used as a means to express frustration or opinions on obvious differences about another race in a way that is not obvious enough to be noticeable. Furthermore, many people are unaware of their racist behaviour as it has become so deep seated within our society. As a result, the acts of subtle racism racism are often mistaken as normal and acceptable behaviour. Subtle racism within a society when left to manifest can lead to victims becoming vulnerable to mental, social and even physical issues. Unlike overt racism, covert racism often goes unnoticed within society and therefore, it often goes untreated. As a result, it can cause a greater divide between groups, leading to more prejudice and thus, becoming a vicious cycle. Theoretical Background The Minimal Group Paradigm (Tajfel, et al., 1971) coupled with Social Identity Theory (Tajfel, 2010) paves the way for racism. Firstly, The Minimal Group Paradigm is designed to limit and control factorsShow MoreRelatedRacism : Racism And Racism1544 Words   |  7 PagesTo understand whether or not racism is learnt, we first have to divulge into the nature of racism. It is usually assumed that racism has been a part of civilisation since civilisation started, that it is embedded into how people work and that no matter what, it will always exist. 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In some statesRead MoreRacism : Racism And Racism1751 Words   |  8 PagesRacism Social Justice Topic Issue Corbin Metz H R – 3013 University of Oklahoma Racism Social Justice Topic Issue Today in our society, racism is a very popular social justice topic issue, which affects many of the lives of those around us on a daily basis. Individuals as well as organizations and institutions widely commit the act of racism and these issues are embedded in their policies, procedures, and practices (Calgary). The first signs of racism beginning to arise in the worldRead MoreRacism : Racism And Racism953 Words   |  4 PagesRacism in America â€Å"Racism is a refuge for the ignorant. It seeks to destroy. It is the enemy of freedom, and it deserves to be met head-on and stamped out.† - Pierre Berton Racism is the unjust hate for any people who are simply different for a various array of reasons. It is all around us and always will be, but that does not give us the right to be passive on the subject. This discrimination against culturally diverse people is hurting our â€Å" land of the free†, one racist remark at a time.Read MoreRacism : Racism And Racism1181 Words   |  5 PagesThis issue of racism is popular by name but tends to be sugar coated by the way people see it. In order to truly understand racism you need to take a bite into the topic in order to get a taste of what it is really like. Racism comes in many different forms and can be seen many different ways. But why even care about racism at all? Why does it even matter? One would think that with such a harsh background regarding racism in America it would no longer exist in society today. But sadly that is notRead MoreRacism : Racism And Racism989 Words   |  4 PagesRacism in America Racism discrimination has been one of our society’s most horrible social problems. 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Out of the people talking about these events, only a few really know the meaning of racismRead MoreRacism : Racism And Racism2243 Words   |  9 PagesRacism, a topic which has become especially touchy in modern times. It is quite clear that racism is alive not only in the United States, but across the globe. Though the topic is widely talked about, nobody really does anything to stop it. People will be quick to elaborate on the fact that it should be stopped, then m ake no changes themselves. Yet do they truly understand the concepts of racism and what it really means to be racist? Granted everybody understands that it is racist to hate a groupRead MoreRacism : Racism And Racism1094 Words   |  5 PagesRacism has been an issue that has caused controversial debates for years. It is a topic that stirs up lots of emotions within people and continues to be an argument for all. When there has been a shooting between a white and a colored or a cop and a colored person, people blame it on racism. They state that since the white cop shot the black man it simply means the cop was racist. Then the people want to speak that justice needs to be served and the cop needs to be put in prison or released fromRead MoreRacism In Racism764 Words   |  4 PagesRacism is not new in the West. For that matter, more or less, in other parts of the world as well. But let me focus on the West, where racism has returned with a vengeance once again. As in the past, th is racism will end in tear and bloodshed as well.   There was a time when Westerners treated non-Whites as sub-human. They liquidated the locals in Australia, New Zealand, America, Canada, and so many other countries and appropriated from themselves everything the locals had.  So the Red Indians, Aborigines

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

William Faulkner - Biographical Details and Main Masterpieces of the Nobel Laureate for Literature Free Essay Example, 750 words

Petri Liukkonen, Petri and Pesonen, Ari in thier work "William (Cuthbert) Faulkner (1897-1962) - original surname until 1924 Falkner" offered biographical details of the life of William Faulkner including educational background, work experiences and written works. They revealed some of Faulkner s masterpieces in terms of identifying Absalom! Absalom! The Sound and the Fury (1929), stories created for screenplay and those that were made into film. A list of selected works concluded the discourse with some suggestions for further reading. The article is informative and easy to comprehend with excerpts provided from various works of Faulkner. Readers could benefit from the details provided which encompassed information on his personal life and relationships, as well as concise description of relevant literary works. Porter, Carolyn. William Faulkner: Lives and Legacies. Oxford University Press. 2007. Print. Presents a concise biographical discourse on the life and works of William Faulkner with only four chapters starting from his youth and apprenticeship, parts one and two of his major years as a literary writer, and snopes and beyond. The famous works entitled As I Lay Dying, Sanctuary, Light in August formed part one of Faulkner s major years that significantly marked highlights of his remarkable career as a writer. We will write a custom essay sample on William Faulkner - Biographical Details and Main Masterpieces of the Nobel Laureate for Literature or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page 2). For readers who need more concise information with relevant details on his life highlighted through significantly famous works, this book is the most appropriate reading material.